Jana-Lee Germaine

Jana-Lee Germaine

Jana-Lee Germaine is the recipient of the 2022 Patricia Dobler Poetry Award. Her poems have appeared in Valparaiso Poetry Review, Iron Horse Literary Review, New Ohio Review, Nimrod, Cimarron Review, EcoTheo Review, Presence, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, New South, december, The Baltimore Review, Bellevue Literary Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, Poet Lore, Southern Poetry Review, and elsewhere. She has been a Poetry Reader for Ploughshares since 2009 and a Senior Poetry Reader since 2019. She earned her MFA from Emerson College and her BA from Wheaton College, IL.

Jana-Lee homeschools her four teenage children, Augustine, Anton, Casimir, and Penelope. Originally from Hopkinton, Massachusetts, she has lived in Chicago, Tucson, and Los Angeles. More recently, she and her family spent several years in a tiny village in the midlands of England where the local peacock showed up at their door every morning to ask for biscuits, preferably the chocolate-covered variety.  She currently lives in Lunenburg, Massachusetts with her husband, kids, and four rescue cats.

©2023 Jana-Lee Germaine