Jana-Lee Germaine


“First Night,” Patricia Dobler Poetry Award 2022, judged by CM Burroughs


“Breakfast: Beach” NELLE (forthcoming)

“What the Officer Said” Bellingham Reviewfinalist for 49th Parallel Award for Poetry (forthcoming)

“Breaks Things” Pangyrus (forthcoming)

“Debt Portfolio” Pangyrus (forthcoming) 

“February at the Johnson’s” Water-Stone Review (forthcoming) 

“At the Drive-In Volcano” Bracken 

“Letter to My Daughter: Science Lesson” Chautauqua (Vol. 21.2, June 2024, Rooted & Growing)

“Pitcher Mountain” Chautauqua (Vol 21.2, June 2024: Rooted & Growing)

 “Old Wallpaper” Presence 2024 

“Feeding the Peacock” Iron Horse Literary Review (Vol. 26.1, February 2024) 

“Pitcher Mountain Cabin, June” Valparaiso Poetry Review

“How It Began” Chestnut Review (Vol. 5 No. 3)

“Headbanger,” Literary Mama (September/October 2023)

“Pima Canyon,” Sugar House Review (Vol. 15 No. 1 Summer 2023)

“First Night,” Voices From the Attic Vol XXVIII

“Difficult To Write A Love Poem,” New South Volume 14 issue 2

“October Snow,” EcoTheo Review Issue No. 15, Winter 2022

“Interim,” Tinderbox Poetry Journal Vol. 7 Issue 4 December 2022

“Tour,” New Ohio Review Winter Online Exclusive December 2022  

“Distance,” Nimrod Awards  44 issue Vol. 66 No. 1 Fall/Winter 2022

“Pentecost At The Holy Ghost Revival Outreach Center,” The Windhover Vol 26.2 Fall 2022

“The Bats,” Presence 2022

“Response: On Pitcher Mountain,” Rock & Sling 16.1, Fall 2021

“Learning Curve,” Nimrod Awards 42 issue Vol. 64 No. 1, Fall/Winter 2020

“Thursday Night, DivorceCare,New Ohio Review Vol  28 Fall 2020

“Lake Night,” Cimarron Review Issue 211, Spring 2020

“Compline,” december Vol 31.1 Spring 2020

“Overdose,” december Vol 31.1 Spring 2020

“Oklahoma, Blackbirds,” The Baltimore Review Winter 2020

“Eating Disorder,” Bellevue Literary Review Issue 35 Fall 2018

“Desideratum,” Southern Poetry Review Vol. 55 Issue 2 2018

“The Magician’s Assistant II” (pub. as “The Magician’s Assistant”) The Carolina Quarterly

67.2 Spring/Summer 2018

“Early Frost, Deep Freeze,” The Carolina Quarterly 67.2 Spring/Summer 2018

“Daughter,” Poet Lore Vol. 113 No. 1/2 Spring/Summer 2018

“Nightmare,” Painted Bride Quarterly Issue 97 April 2018

“The Manicure,” Serving House Journal Spring 2018

“The Manicure,” San Diego Poetry Annual 2017-2018 (pub Feb. 2018)

“Aunt Hat,” Naugatuck River Review Summer/Fall 2017

“Year of Hiding Out,” The Potomac Review Spring 2017

“Christ Pantokrator,”The Christian Century November 2009

Ingeborg Riedmaier reads “Eating Disorder” by JanaLee Germaine at Bellevue Literary Review’s Off the Page reading in NYC.

©2023 Jana-Lee Germaine